Chemical Peeling
Chemical Peeling

Chemical Peeling in South Delhi

The face and body skin may develop a lot many issues as we age. The culprits could be overexposure to the sun and/or polluted environment; stress, hormonal fluctuations, genetic predisposition, and certain medications or illnesses. Thankfully, dermatologists in South Delhi at Soul Derma can help target multiple, aesthetic skin concerns all at once with varieties of procedures. One of the ideal, non-surgical solutions to improve skin health and aesthetics is Chemical peeling.

What is chemical peeling?

Chemical peeling in South Delhi is a popular aesthetic procedure, a profound skin rejuvenation treatment. In this simple, quick procedure, damaged outer layers of the skin are removed to reveal new, healthy skin with a customised chemical solution applied to the skin by a dermatologist.

The exfoliation of the skin by specific strength of acids helps address specific skin issues like blemishes, acne scars, wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and sun damage while improving overall texture and tightness/firmness of the skin and leaving the skin youthful.

What are the types of chemical peels?

Chemical peels for skin brightening and anti-aging in Delhi can be categorised into three types: mild, medium, and deep, based on the strength of the acid used or the acid penetration ability in the skin.

1. A light or superficial peel

This peel penetrates the skin's surface layer, softly exfoliating it. A light or superficial peel refreshes the face, neck, and hands while improving the appearance of moderate skin discoloration, acne, and rough skin or dullness. Examples include alpha-hydroxy acids like lactic acid and glycolic acid. The gently peeled-off skin takes 4–7 days to heal. The skin may be pink to crimson and may or may not flake. Gentle cleansers and moisturisers, as well as daily sunscreen application, are recommended for smooth healing of the skin.

2. Medium peel

This peel penetrates the skin's outer and middle layers to remove damaged skin cells and address concerns like multiple keratoses, pigmentary disorders, scars, and solar lentigines. Examples include beta hydroxy acids like salicylic acid. The peeled-off skin takes 5–14 days to heal. The skin may turn pink or red, and swelling may occur after a medium peel is applied. It may develop crusts and blotches before showing fresh skin, which will gradually fade.

3. Deep peel

This peel completely penetrates the skin's middle layer to remove dead skin cells and treat deep and coarse wrinkles, deep scars, precancerous skin lesions, and intense photoaging. Examples include strong phenol and trichloroacetic acid.  During the daytime recovery period after a deep peel, patients will notice the most flaking and peeling of the skin. The skin will expand and turn red after this peel, with tingling or pricking sensations. It typically lasts longer than the recommended two weeks. The doctor provides precise guidance to alleviate the discomfort associated with the deep chemical peel.

A chemical peel can address various concerns. To learn more about which type of peel is best for your skin type, consult with the Best Doctors For Chemical Peels Treatment in Delhi at Soul Derma.

What are the benefits of undergoing chemical peeling?

  • Controlled skin exfoliation: This is one of the best skin exfoliation treatments in Delhi. It exfoliates the skin safely and up to the level desired to address specific skin issues without causing harm to the healthy tissues.   
  • Youthful appearance: They can reduce skin dullness or roughness and improve the tone and texture of the skin, making the skin softer and more even-toned. Certain types of peels are used to stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Acne treatment: It removes acne, unclogs pores, and reduces inflammation, and bruises. On top of that, they minimise scarring from past injuries or severe acne breakouts.
  • No more pigmentation irregularities: It helps treat sun-damaged skin, lighten dark spots, and treat pigmentation issues, like melasma. They eliminate blotches caused by the sun.
  • Improves skin hydration: It allows better absorption of moisturisers and other skincare products by improving skin barrier function.
  • Boosts skin radiance: It can be used to remove dead skin and help boost skin radiance, making the skin look vibrant and youthful. 
  • Minimal Downtime: The downtime of chemical peeling is minimal. It is for a few or several days based on the type and strength of the peel applied. It makes them appropriate for people with busy lifestyles.
  • Customised outcomes: The skin peel treatment in South Delhi at Soul Derma can be customised depending on skin type and particular concerns to be treated. It can even be performed on darker skin tones without the risk of discoloration.

Who can opt for chemical peeling?

Ideally, any healthy person can have chemical peels applied on their face or neck, hands, or chest, if they hold realistic expectations of revitalising their skin and are willing to commit to following post-treatment guidelines and healthy lifestyle after treatment. Chemical peels can be used by them to:

  • Smoothen fine lines and wrinkles
  • Address premature aging of their skin including sun-damaged skin
  • Improve the visual appearance of moderate scars
  • Treat acne breakouts (including blackheads and whiteheads removal)
  • Improve hydration of the dry skin
  • Clear and refine the pores (for congested, oily skin)
  • Reduce pigmentation by treating pigmentation irregularities like age spots, freckles, and melasma
  • However, deep chemical peeling is advised to be undertaken with caution by dark-skinned people. Otherwise, chemical peeling is contraindicated if prone or have a medical history of keloids and have active infection allergies or serious skin conditions. Temporarily refraining from chemical peeling is asked in case of pregnancy and brea-stfeeding.   

How can chemical peels help with skin rejuvenation?

A chemical peel is a skin brightening treatment in Delhi, that is used to improve and smoothen the surface of the skin. In this treatment, a controlled injury is caused to the top layers of skin with the provided chemical solution, allowing the dead surface skin to peel off. The peeling process promotes the body’s natural healing response. This healing response encourages the production of collagen and elastin fibres in the skin as well as the formation of new skin, which is usually healthier and aesthetically appealing.

Depending on the individual's skin type, the dermatologist or skin doctor in Delhi at Soul Derma will recommend a mild, medium, or deep peel. Each peel works in a variety of ways to stimulate cell renewal, refining, rejuvenation, and hydration and even resurface, and regenerate damaged skin. A new skin layer with better tone, texture, and colour is revealed after the outer layers of dead skin are exfoliated by the acid solution.

How to prepare for a chemical peeling session?

A consultation with a skin care specialist is recommended before the procedure. During the consultation, a professional will assist patients in determining the optimal treatment approach for their skincare requirements. They will ask questions about the skin, analyse it to determine which peel will best suit their skin, provide facts about the peel that is ideal for their skin, and enquire about anything that may interfere with the peel, including medications or allergies.

If a patient is using reti-nol or topicals, they must discontinue its use 5–10 days before their chemical peeling session. To avoid an allergic reaction, it’s advised to avoid sun exposure for a few weeks before receiving treatment. Moreover, once daily, in the days leading to the chemical peeling session, the skin must be cleansed with a specialised cleanser.

What can I expect from a chemical peeling session?

  • Patients report having a little burning sensation during a chemical peeling treatment in Delhi, depending on the depth of the peel being used.
  • After assessing how the patient's skin reacts, the aesthetician applies a few layers of selected peel to the skin. The deeper the peel applied, the more discomfort is felt by the patients. However, this discomfort fades immediately after the acid applied is neutralised. The peel is only left on the skin for a few minutes. While the peel is applied, the skin may feel tight. Depending on the depth of the peel, the skin may turn pink or red.
  • Following chemical peeling, mild cleansers and moisturisers as well as sunscreens should be regularly used by the patients until the skin heals. It is preferable to avoid direct sunlight until the skin has healed and even avoid picking, rubbing, scratching, and scrubbing the skin.

Chemical peel skin brightening treatments are an excellent treatment for skin rejuvenation, brightening, and anti-aging. To learn more about chemical peel cost in South Delhi, visit with the experts today!


Ground Floor W-58, Greater Kailash I, New Delhi, Delhi 110048 India
