Skin Tags Treatment In Delhi
Skin Tags Treatment

Skin Tags Treatment In Delhi

If you are seeking the removal of skin tags, consult a dermatologist in Delhi and receive a tailored treatment plan. The best, most effective, and reasonably priced skin tag removal is available at Soul Derma. Request for an appointment to get rid of these unwanted skin growths from your neck, underarms, and body.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags, medically termed acrochordons, are small, benign, harmless, skin-colored growths. They are small pieces of soft, dangling skin with stalks or peduncles. Their core is made of skin structural fibers and ducts, fat cells, and nerve cells, and covers the area of the epidermis.

Other names of skin tags include cutaneous tag, cutaneous papilloma, fibroma molluscum, soft fibroma, fibroepithelial polyp, fibroma pendulum, fibroma molluscum, and Templeton skin tags. At Soul Derma, skin tags on the neck and skin removal is performed using state-of-the-art technologies. You can contact the experts for more details on skin tag removal in Delhi.

What do skin tags look like?

A skin tag often appears like a cluster of skin tissue, with a smooth or irregular texture, budding out of a tiny, fleshy stem. Typically, it is skin-colored or darker than neighboring skin color, looking just like a raised mole. Its size typically ranges between 1-5 mm in diameter and rarely may grow to be of few centimeters. 

What causes skin tags?

There is no definite cause of skin tags. Skin tags may form due to any of the following contributing factors:

  • Friction- Skin tags develop because of the accumulation of extra cells on the skin surface of areas constantly subjected to the effect of friction and rubbing. Friction-induced skin tags usually develop on areas like groin, neck creases, armpits, and under brea-sts.
  • Pancreatic hormone resistance and obesity- Obese people often develop pancreatic hormone and fluctuations in estr-ogen and andr-ogen hormones which further encourage the growth of skin cells and contribute to the formation of skin tags.
  • Chronic skin irritation and inflammation- Skin conditions like dermatitis or other skin disorders that cause chronic skin irritation and subsequently inflammation further cause skin tags.
  • Hormonal changes- Those who have hit puberty, have menstruation, are pregnant, or have menopause experience hormonal fluctuations which can affect the production of collagen and elastin in their skin and create an environment promoting the formation of skin tags. The fluctuation in the level of es-trogen and proge-sterone also impacts the activity of the skin cells. Moreover, PCOS-affected women experience high and-rogen levels which leads to skin tag formation.
  • Growth hormone disorders- Acromegaly is one such disorder that can increase IGF-1 levels, causing the rapid multiplication of cells and the formation of skin tags.
  • Genetic predisposition- Skin tags tend to develop among people having a family history of skin tags.
  • Age- With advancing age, there is a decline in collagen and elastin levels which further increases the risk of developing skin tags.
  • Sun exposure- The UV rays from the sunlight when directly falling on the skin, can damage the skin cells and result in the formation of skin tags.

Where do skin tags appear?

Skin tags mostly develop in the following areas:

  • folds in the groin area
  • upper eyelids
  • armpits
  • upper chest
  • buttock folds
  • under the breasts
  • genitals
  • neck base.

Are skin tags contagious?

How do skin tags spread? Are they caused by a virus? The answer to this is - no. There is no evidence suggesting that skin tags can spread from one person to another.

How are skin tags diagnosed?

A brief evaluation of the affected area and a review of patient and family history, is done by
best skin tag treatment doctors in Delhi to diagnose a skin tag. To rule out other conditions that resemble skin tags such as moles, skin cancer, warts, skin diseases, and others, a thorough skin examination and sometimes a skin biopsy is conducted.

Do skin tags hurt?

Mostly, skin tags aren’t painful. But they can turn painful if they are sore or irritated because of rubbing or friction.

When should a person seek help for skin tags from a dermatologist?

A person with skin tags should consult a skin specialist if the tags get bigger, start to bleed, cause discomfort, or affect large body areas. If skin tags are on exposed areas of the body and their appearance is bothersome, the person should consider skin tag removal. The skin tag removal in Delhi at Soul Derma is performed after the application of numbing cream, so this makes the treatment comfortable.

What are skin tag removal treatments offered in Delhi?

Some dermatological procedures to remove skin tags include:

  • Cryosurgery/Cryotherapy- This therapy involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin tag and destroy its cells, ultimately resulting in it falling off.
  • Cauterization- This therapy burns off the skin tag using a special heated tool or small electrical current, ultimately leading to its removal.
  • Excision- In this treatment, the skin tag is physically removed using a scalpel or scissor, and the resulting cut is sutured or the wound is left for innate healing. This treatment instantly removes a skin tag.
  • Ligation- This treatment involves tightly tying off the skin tag at its base using a surgical thread piece or floss. It causes the blood supply to cut off and eventually the skin tag to wither off in several days or weeks.
  • Laser skin tag removal in Delhi is also a popular procedure offered at Soul Derma Clinic. The results are safe and help one to achieve their aesthetic benefits!

What are natural remedies for skin tags?

Some popular natural ways to remove skin tags include:

  • Applying tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar on the skin tag
  • Applying garlic or Vitamin E on the skin tag
  • Rubbing a banana peel on the skin tag.

Does any topical skin product remove skin tags?

At present, there are no medically approved products available to effectively remove the skin tags. It's not recommended or can be unsafe for a person to use over-the-counter tag removal options like nail polish, tea tree oil, hair removal creams, wart removal solution, or nail clippers. Such options come with more chances of complications.  

Can skin tags reappear after treatment?

If skin tags are eliminated from the skin, they are not likely to grow back. There is no evidence that skin tag removal will result in more tags to grow but there could be chances that new skin tags develop.  

Are skin tags preventable?

Some preventive measures are there for skin tags, including:

  • Regular exercising
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Avoiding wearing jewelry or clothing that may rub against the skin.

Why choose Soul Derma for skin tag removal?

Soul Derma is a leading skin clinic for skin tag removal that has the best skin specialists to provide advanced skin tag removal treatments from various body locations like the neck, buttocks, eyelids, groin folds, and underarms. Based on the type and location of skin tags, the skin tag removal cost in Delhi is determined, as sometimes surgery or different treatments or technologies are offered. The doctor also ensures minimal discomfort during the procedure.

If you are looking for a skin tag removal clinic near you, then meet the skin experts at Soul Derma Clinic.


Ground Floor W-58, Greater Kailash I, New Delhi, Delhi 110048 India
