Wart Removal
Wart Removal

Wart Removal Treatment in South Delhi

Struggling with warts that just can’t go away with traditional wart removal options? Or searching for quick and effective wart removal for your feet and hands? At Soul Derma Clinic, you can be rest assured of no more stubborn warts without straining your budget! It’s time to get your clear skin back, with our professional, customised warts removal treatment in South Delhi. Request for an appointment today!

What are warts?

Warts are small, rough, unwanted skin growth, a benign skin condition that can affect the skin or mucosal lining of any part of the body. Generally, they are harmless but persistent, unsightly, and sometimes discomforting, needing effective removal.

What do warts look like?

Warts' size, shape, and colour vary based on their type. Generally, warts could appear as:

  • Solid blister or cauliflower-like; Thread or finger-like; or dome-shaped
  • Flat or bumpy
  • Rough or Smooth
  • Flesh-coloured, grey, brown, or black
  • Having small, brownish, or black dots
  • Single wart or cluster of warts in the same area
  • 1mm to a few centimetres warts.

What are the different kinds of warts?

Based on variations in the wart appearance, the HPV strain causing them, and the location where warts develop; warts are classified into the following types:

  • Common warts- These typically appear as rough bumps with black dots (the visible smothered, dead capillaries) on the hands. Mostly they are caused by HPV type 2 and 4 or other types 1, 3, 7, 27, 29, and 57.
  • Plantar warts- These typically appear as flat or inward growths on the feet' soles that may have black dots and grow large enough to impact mobility. They are caused by HPV types 1, 2, 4, 27, and 57.
  • Flat warts- These are small, smooth warts that grow in clusters of 20-100 at a time on any part of the skin. They are caused by HPV types 3, 10, and 28.
  • Mosaic warts- These are white, flat, about pinhead size growths typically appearing on the feet balls or under the toes. They are caused by HPV type 2.
  • Filiform warts- These are long thread-like warts that stick out of the face- typically around the mouth, nose, and eyes. They are caused by HPV types 1, 2, 4, 27, and 29.
  • Genital warts- These are small, tough, rough, nodules on the skin of the genital and anal area. They are caused by HPV types 6 and 11 and passed via skin-to-skin contact during sexual activities.
  • Butcher’s warts- These are the growths seen on Butcher’s hands or hands of those people working in cold, moist environments for long. They are caused by HPV type 7.
  • Focal epithelial hyperplasia- These are rarely occurring, soft and whitish growths on the mucosa, developing inside the mouth. Heck’s disease is caused by HPV types 13 and 32.

For more details get in touch with the experts at Soul Derma Clinic, wart removal clinic in South Delhi.

Why do warts appear?

Warts develop when the skin gets infected by certain strains of Human papillomavirus (HPV). In the sites where the skin is injured or has small cuts and the skin is soft or moist, HPV can enter and cause extra cell growth, making the affected superficial skin harder and thicker, thereby forming warts. People having weak or compromised immune systems mostly develop warts.

What are the recommended treatment options for warts, available at Soul Derma Clinic?

Wart removal options, recommended by Best Wart Removal Doctors in South Delhi, include: 

  • Prescription topical product: There is a specific warts removal topical product recommended by dermatologist. This chemical causes blisters to form under the wart and cuts off the blood supply to the wart, thereby making the wart dead. The dead wart is then removed by a dermatologist after about a week.
  • Cryotherapy: This therapy involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen. Multiple times application of liquid nitrogen is required for warts to become dead and naturally peel off.
  • Immunotherapy: This is recommended to help the patient’s immune system fight the virus-causing wart. One way is the use of topical dip-hen-cyprone.
  • Electrosurgery: In this treatment, a specially designed heated needle is used to burn away the wart tissue. It leaves a scar.  
  • Laser treatment: This wart removal treatment in South Delhi involves the use of a laser to heat destroy the blood vessels within the warts, thereby cutting the blood supply to the warts and killing them. However, it causes scars to develop.
  • Swift Microwave Therapy: This is an advanced treatment where microwave energy is used to pass thermal energy into the wart to effectively destroy the warts and stimulate the immune response. It is a time-efficient option, needing no anaesthesia or downtime, and not causing scarring. We mostly practise this wart removal option at our clinic.
  • Surgical removal: The large warts are removed by excision method.

Depending on your unique needs and goals, your overall situation, your skin type, your budget, and the type of your warts, our experts can provide you with the most effective treatment. You can learn about your options at your initial consultation with our dermatologists at Soul Derma Clinic.

Why Choose Soul Derma Clinic for wart removal?

  • The skilled team at Soul Derma Clinic is highly trained and ready to provide the best support for the desired results.
  • The experts create a tailored skin treatment plan for warts to deliver quick, exceptional results.
  • The treatment plan involves the most advanced, fast, and effective resolution of stubborn warts.
  • Our clinic boasts of high success rates, about 80-100% in getting rid of any type of warts in a few sittings without causing tissue damage. All the offered treatments are safe, effective, painless, and fair-priced.

Does wart removal hurt?

Most wart removal treatments in South Delhi can cause a bit of discomfort, with intensity varying based on the treatment and the individual’s pain tolerance level. Usually, there is minimal pain or discomfort during and after wart removal that quickly subsides.

What to do after wart removal treatment?

There are not many restrictions on your activities. Moreover, you won't even require bandages or dressings. However, you should be taking proper care of your treated skin as instructed by your dermatologist.

Can warts go away on their own?

Warts often naturally fade out but they may clear off the skin in up to 2 years. Wart removal is necessary as it can spread, cause discomfort, make affected people conscious, and even affect their daily life.

How can you prevent warts?

Warts can be avoided by reducing the chances of being infected with HPV. Some preventive measures include no nail-biting, not having skin-to-skin contact with people having warts; avoiding sharing personal belongings; protecting skin wounds, keeping skin well moisturised, taking the HPV vaccine, keeping feet and hands dry, and avoiding the use of public baths, showers, or pools. To get more details on HPV vaccine and HPV treatment in South Delhi book a visit with our experts at Soul Derma Clinic.

How much does wart removal cost?

The wart removal cost in South Delhi will depend on certain factors like the treatment chosen; the number, size, and type of warts; the number of sessions required; the qualifications of the dermatologist chosen for warts removal; and the clinic’s location/reputation.

Soul Derma Clinic has the best skin doctors and experts who provide excellent treatment for HPV infection and wart removal. For more details book an appointment now!


Ground Floor W-58, Greater Kailash I, New Delhi, Delhi 110048 India
